Investors & Customers – sometimes there’s an early stage disconnect

Giff ConstableAprizi, startups, venture capital

peHub just wrote an article titled “VCs love Blippy, but do users?” Some of you correctly guessed that Blippy was the company I was referring to when I wrote, “Don’t let another startup throw you off your game”. And it’s true, there are a lot of VCs really excited about that company. Aprizi, Blippy, Bynamite, Swipely and a number of …

He should have fired my ass

Giff Constablemanagement, startups

Bijan Sabet of Spark Capital today posed the question of how a startup maintains speed once it hits adolescence. His conclusion is that “speed is really the result of a having the company aligned.” Howard Lindzon, the colorful CEO of Stocktwits, responded with the following comment: “we deal with this today. managing feature creep is key. obviously being aligned is …

Keeping It Simple: Unit Economics

Giff Constablemetrics, startups

Back in November, I wrote about financial modeling and wanted to pick up the topic again. I think this is very important for lean startups.  A financial model focuses your brain on key goals and assumptions. It’s great to obsess over product-market fit, but you also need to take the time to make sure your economics are reasonable as well. …

You’ve got to really want it

Giff ConstableUncategorized

For as much as we like innovation, most people aren’t cut out to start a tech company or even join one in a super-early stage.  That’s my point of disagreement with Chris Dixon on his latest post, “Every time an engineer joins Google, a startup dies“. Smart entrepreneurs try to mitigate risk every way they can, but let’s not sugarcoat …

Targeting Matters!

Giff Constablemarketing, startups

The other day, Cindy Alvarez (product manager at KISSmetrics and author of a great blog), wrote a post called “Anybody, As Long As It’s Not You” , saying: “Who should give you feedback on your early-stage product mockups/demo? Anybody, as long as it’s not you. OK, sure, there’s probably an “ideal” audience to show your product to.  But it probably …

Can business schools teach entrepreneurship?

Giff Constablestartups

I can’t help but weigh in on the “MBA – startup” meme going around.  First, context on my background: I chose not get an MBA. Before my current startup, I worked for 4 VC-backed companies (founded by others) in various sales/marketing/bizdev roles, and bootstrapped and sold 1 company of my own.  I did feel a need to learn finance, but …

Thoughts on Product-Market Fit

Giff Constablestartups

Here are a few thoughts on product-market fit that came up when I was chatting this evening with Brant Cooper of Market by Numbers. Revenue & Testing To me, “lean startup” and “product-market fit” boil down to rigorously and continuously testing your assumptions as early as possible, and holding off heavy investments in scalability and growth until you feel confident …

When it comes to startups, products and services don’t mix

Giff Constablestartups

[Note: 8 years later, I’ve written an update to this post] This post is about dancing with the devil (i.e. consulting) as you pursue your dreams and try to pay the bills.  I believe that it is near impossible to build a successful software product while maintaining a services business. (UPDATE: I should clarify that I am talking about the period …

Customer Development Update (and why I’m sticking with 1-on-1 talks)

Giff Constablestartups

Conversations with prospective customers is an unending process. Here is a quick update (first post) on some of those efforts with Aprizi: First, conversations have gotten a lot more concrete as we’ve honed our thoughts. We started out talking about people’s challenges and a wide array of features. The first wave of discussions helped us narrow down and prioritize what …

Great startup lawyers

Giff Constablestartups

My reaction to the recent Venture Hacks post on lawyers was that we need to help entrepreneurs find good attorneys!  They are out there — I am certainly happy with my current attorney, Brian Hutchings at Gunderson, and when I was selling the first company I founded, my attorney at Fenwick was indispensable. So today I reached out to a …