Hashable, the future of business relationships?

Giff Constablesocial media, technology

I’ve been playing around with Hashable since August, and have become a pretty regular user. Why? Relationships are the lifeblood of business. LinkedIn took a first step, and then stopped innovating in a meaningful way. From my perspective, they treat relationships as a commodity, and they are anything but! Hashable is taking the next step forward, with an appreciation of …

Why do people buy virtual goods? (on motivations and compulsions)

Giff Constablesocial games, virtual goods, virtual worlds

Virtual goods have finally been legitimized as a revenue model, rather than a niche (even weird) activity ignored in favor of advertising. Now the concept is spreading beyond its game / virtual world roots, and we’re seeing large numbers of companies trying to figure out a “virtual goods” strategy. While I believe very strongly in virtual goods as an effective …

Socnet Advertising, where art thou?

Giff Constablesocial media, virtual goods

A few months ago, I listened to a panel organized by Battery Ventures called “Monetizing Social Media”.  Perhaps not surprisingly for a New York-based event, the panel spent 99% of the time talking about advertising.  Still, I was surprised to see both the Facebook and MySpace representatives brush off microtransaction business models as niche and not worth discussing. The total …