Can business schools teach entrepreneurship?

Giff Constable startups

I can’t help but weigh in on the “MBA – startup” meme going around.  First, context on my background: I chose not get an MBA. Before my current startup, I worked for 4 VC-backed companies (founded by others) in various sales/marketing/bizdev roles, and bootstrapped and sold 1 company of my own.  I did feel a need to learn finance, but …

Startups: hiring, careers, sales people

Giff Constable management, startups

This week saw two interesting and related posts on startups and hiring/careers.  Mark Suster wrote about who you should hire into your startup, and Chris Dixon wrote about the ideal startup career path. Mark’s message is to hire hungry, smart people who want to get to the next level in their career, not the ones who have already arrived. Chris …