Wufoo’s customer support insight

Giff Constablestartups, UI/UX

From one of LukeW’s Warm Gun summaries. It was too long to tweet but I wanted to record it as an interesting insight: “Wufoo asked peo­ple about their emo­tion­al state when fill­ing in a cus­tomer sup­port request. This result­ed in less emo­tion­al lan­guage and clear­er descrip­tions of issues in cus­tomer sup­port tick­ets.” – original post

Firing yourself up, and firing yourself down

Giff Constablemanagement, startups

Joel Gascoigne has a thoughtful post called “The maker/manager transition phase“. He grapples with the shift from early-stage startup “maker” mode to scaling-startup management mode. It is a major mental shift to go from doing to delegating. Joel includes a great quote from Joe Kraus: “If you’re a founding CEO, I believe that you are doing your company a disservice …

from The Innovator’s Solution

Giff Constableinnovation, lean

I’ve been spending much of the last several months working with a Fortune 100 company, helping them design and create an internal innovation / incubator practice.  To that end, I’ve been going back and re-reading some of the better books on the topic.  Here is a quote that will resonate with those who believe in agile/lean techniques: “In searching for …

You can’t judge a designer by glossy buttons

Giff Constabledesign

A common meme in tech circles has been the death of the resume. It goes: judge developers by their Github account, and designers by a Dribbble portfolio. The latter begs the question, what does design mean to people? To me, product designers solve problems. They solve problems concerning motivation, usability, desirability and alignment with business goals. I love a beautiful …

When to ship?

Giff Constableinnovation, lean

Last week, I helped organize a small roundtable of product and design leaders across several successful NYC startups. One question we discussed was “how do you know when to ship?” There was clear consensus that one should split when you *market* vs when you start letting users touch a working piece of software. The rule of thumb on starting to …

“They refused to give it back”

Giff Constableinnovation, lean

If you are interested in corporate innovation, you will enjoy Scott Anthony’s article in the September HBR magazine, The New Corporate Garage. Key takeaways: 1. exciting things happen when you can engage in simultaneous business model innovation and technical innovation 2. it was interesting how many of the author’s examples involved hardware, where big companies have an advantage and where …

Improving the mobile failure rate

Giff Constablelean, technology, UI/UX

Like much of the tech community, I find mobile incredibly exciting. It brings new use cases and design/tech/marketing challenges galore. But you have to raise your eyebrows at the sheer number of new apps being created right now that only collect dust. There are plenty of startups with dead-end ideas, and that comes with the territory, but especially egregious to …

Why Is Lean Startup So Hard?

Giff Constablelean

A few months back, I gave a tech-talk at Pivotal Labs on the reasons why people fail to implement lean startup ideas, even when they like the theory. I’ve been meaning to post the notes to the slides, so here you go: When “lean startup” first came out, it was greeted by two erroneous responses: “this is a roadmap to …

Only Great Is Good Enough

Giff Constableinnovation, lean

Today Twitter brought to my attention an article in The Independent where Sir Jonathan Ive discussed how close Apple came to shelving the iPhone because of design flaws. “You have that horrible, horrible feeling deep down in your tummy and you know that it’s OK but it’s not great. And I think some of the bravest things we’ve ever done …

(Slides) Bringing a Lean Product Process to Your Organization

Giff Constablelean

I’m on my way back from Boston after giving a talk at the Northeast PHP conference. As I promised the attendees, here are my slides. However, the real backup for the talk is my post on the topic from a couple weeks ago. Moving to Lean Product Process from Giff Constable